Tuesday, March 31, 2020

First Communion Information

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

On behalf of Father Scott, we are sending out this letter to all of the families who have registered their children for First Communion at St. Augustine Parish.  The Sacraments had been scheduled for April and May. However, as you all know, restrictions have been placed on the Church during the Coronavirus outbreak. We do not yet know when we will be able to fully regain access to the Church.  We await information from Public Health. As we hear more, we will share that information with you but, for now, the dates that had previously been scheduled are postponed.


The Sacramental (First Communion) Preparation Team

A message from Father Scott

Dear Families,

Blessings from Father Scott.
Sacramental Preparation:
The Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation that had been scheduled for April and May have been postponed as we await further information from Public Health regarding full access to our Church.  
Sunday Offerings:
As you know, with Church Masses being cancelled, St. Augustine Parish has been losing Sunday collections and the situation may potentially go into all of April.  Easter Masses have also been cancelled and this special celebration generates much needed funds for our Church. We realize that the Covid 19 outbreak has placed a financial burden on many families.  If you are still able to help, parishioners are invited to make an offering and leave it in the parish mailbox which Father Scott checks regularly. If you prefer, donations may also be mailed to the Church at:
1060 Baseline Rd.
Ottawa, ON 
K2C 0A6
Holy Week:
Private Easter Mass will be held at St. Augustine Parish.  Father Scott is trying to get set up for a “live stream” video link for parishioners.  More information will be made available to our school community as we hear from Father Scott on this initiative.  
There are many other television sites available should you wish to view Mass during this time.  Here is a list provided by Father Scott:
  • channel 25 vision TV
  • Salt and light (free) chan. 240
Please keep in mind that the Parish website will continue to be updated by 

The Mass times for Holy Week are as follows:
Palm Sunday - April 5 at 9:00 am (blessed palms will be available at the Church entrance, south)
Holy Thursday - April 9 at 8:00 pm
Good Friday - April 10 at 3:00 pm
Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) - April 11 at 8:00 pm
Easter Sunday - April 12 at 9:00 am

As mentioned, Father Scott is hoping to be able to bring these Masses to you virtually. Any changes to these times will be indicated on the Church website at the web address listed above.


Prayer Graphic Email March 31.png

Monday, March 30, 2020

Hello parents,
I hope that all of you are doing well!!
I sent each of you the following email today, please let me know if you did not receive it.
Hope you are all doing well. Please let my kids know that I am thinking of them and miss them LOTS!!
We are continuing to focus on the well-being of all of our families, as we know that this is a difficult time. Please feel free to email me if you require any further assistance at this time. With regards to academics, the children are welcome to use the available APPS and websites that were provided. We will be provided with further instructions with regards to academics as time goes on.
Also, if your children would like to send me a message (via email) or chat at anytime, please let me know. 

You may have already received the following information from our Director of Education, Denise Andre. Just in case you did not receive it, I wanted to send it to you, especially during this difficult time and as Easter approaches.
You will find six religious education resources for families on this website. Your children may enjoy watching this video designed to explain LentThis is a three-minute video
In addition, there are remote options for mass available including the Ottawa Archdiocese Virtual Church.
Additional information:
You will find a curated collection of educational resources #ocsbAtHomeLearning Resources for students to supplement the Ministry of Education’s Learn at home website.

Our Special Education and Student Success Teams have put together curated resources to support students and their families. These well-being resources provide information and suggestions about how best to cope during these difficult times.

Hope this helps. Again, please let me know if there is anything we could do to support you during this time.
I could be contacted at rosetta.vena@ocsb.ca  .
Take care,
Rosetta Vena :0)

Monday, March 23, 2020

Image result for hope you  are well

Hello Parents and my students!

I hope that all of you are doing well. I hope that you all enjoyed your March Break, as best as you could. Things have changed a lot over the past week, but the most important thing is that you and your family is healthy and safe. Please let your children know that I miss them very much and that I am thinking of each of them.

Since we will not be in school over the next few weeks, I would like you to check our class blog a couple times a week. I will be updating it as time goes on. Academics is not the priority right now, but if you want some tasks for your child to work on, here is some information that may be of assistance.

I have several links that will assist your children with practice in various subject areas. Feel free to go into our St. Rita website and click on the student portal. Here, you will be able to access various Apps and programs in various subject areas. Your children are
very familiar with Zorbits, Raz-Kids, Starfall and Book Creator. Feel free to have them practice various skills using these programs. There are many other programs available on the student portal and the online resources sent by the Ontario Ministry of Education (see below).

 The Province of Ontario launched a new website called Learn at Home to help students continue
learning while schools are closed.
The online resource is in line with the kindergarten to grade 12 curriculum. 
The website contains reading material for elementary and secondary students.
Qualified tutors will be made available through TVO, to answer questions from students.
High school content is designed with a focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) courses to ensure core competencies and skills are reinforced. 

Over the next few weeks, feel free to practice your reading skills on Raz-Kids or Starfall. You could also take some time to read your favourite books from home or visit storylineonline.net .  Here you will find some books online. You also have access to Bookflix in the Student Portal (Username: ottawcarl , Password: otta1135). 

Book creator is a great resource for story writing. The code needed for Book Creator is:


The kids had an in-class workshop a few weeks before the break. They are familiar with the program and really enjoy it. They have already began writing their stories. I also have access to it, so I will be able to read their stories. Looking forward to it!!  

You could also visit  Journalbuddies.com . Here, there are several topics and prompts to assist the students with journal writing.

For Math, www.ixlmath.com and www.iknowit.com  are excellent resources for math. 

Madame Robu has provided me with the following sites. Feel free to use them to practice French skills.

Livres Video 
user name : sr
Password : Bravo 

apprendre a lire 
This is an interactive website, age appropriate. A website from France. Free of charge.  It includes sounds, vocabulary and games in French.

Please note that I will be contacting you over the next few days to answer any questions.

I hope that all of you are staying healthy. We will take this one day at a time!!

Please also feel free to reach out to me via email at rosetta.vena@ocsb.ca

Take care of yourselves,

Rosetta Vena :0)

Monday, March 9, 2020

Semaine de la francophonie  

Mars 9-13
  • Each day we are asking that students dress in a specific colour representing the Francophonie
    • Monday - Green/White
    • Tuesday - Blue
    • Wednesday - Purple
    • Thursday - Yellow
    • Friday - Red
  • Bingo: Jeudi 1:50 - 2:20
  • Spectacle:Marc Trudel K-2 10:15 -11:15 & Gr 3-6 12:30 1:30

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

First Eucharist Note

A note from Father Scott

**Wednesday March 11, 6;30 pm is the  Sacrament of "first" Reconciliation
at St. Augustine Church.
NOTE: If your child cannot make this time, you could go any Saturday
during Lent from 3:30-4:15 pm

**NOTE: SESSION CHANGE for "first" Eucharist candidates
session scheduled for March 25 has been changed
to Wednesday, April 8   "Called to the Table" ,
In St. Augustine’s parish hall at 6:30 pm

The Gr 6 students will be selling raffle tickets
this week for a Candy Guess. All tickets are .25¢
or 5 for $1.00 and proceeds go to supporting
the Gr.6 End of Year Trip. Draw will take place
Friday, March 6th, at the end of day.