Wednesday, February 26, 2020

St. Rita Lenten Project

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.
This is a special time in which we prepare to celebrate
Jesus's resurrection on Easter Sunday.

This year we will support WATER FIRST.
This organization helps support indigenous
communities in Canada by providing educations and
programs for clean water.

We will be sending home the following Gratitude Reflection 
Calendar (2-sided), which will be stapled in the agenda's. 
Please take the time to go over the
calendar with your child each day to give
thanks for all of our many blessings.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


We are preparing our hearts for Easter.

        You are invited to attend out Ash Wednesday Liturgy tomorrow at 10:15am.

Catherine Wake was in today to teach us about 


This program could be found on the Student Portal. 

The children are learning to write a story using this programming. 

It allows them to find and import pictures, type or record the text 

and many other features.

Check them out using their creativity and hard at work:

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

First Communion Update 

 Image result for First communion

A  reminder that the ​second​ preparation session will take place ​this coming Wednesday, February 19 at 6:30 pm​ in the St. Augustine Parish hall for all students enrolled in the Sacramental Preparation Program this year.  Should you require any additional information, please go to  "St. Augustine Parish Ottawa" (online) and click on "Sacraments".

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

The St. Rita Parent Council will be providing a pancake lunch to all students 
on Tuesday February 25th to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.  Each student will 
receive two hotcakes with syrup, supplied by McDonald's restaurant.  Parents 
are encouraged to supplement this lunch with additional items such as fruit, 
yogurt, and veggies.
Volunteers are required to assist with delivering pancakes to the classrooms. 
If you are available to help, please contact Sue Chiumera 

St. Rita Parent Council

Monday, February 10, 2020

Math this week


We will continue to work on two-digit subtraction. This week, we will be introducing subtraction with regrouping.

conventional algorithm for subtracting is not the only way to subtract multidigit numbers, but it is a traditional method that many adults are familiar with.

This traditional procedure for subtracting whole numbers involves takeaway thinking. For two-digit subtraction, first the ones of the smaller number are taken from the ones of the greater number, and then the tens of the smaller number are taken from the tens of the greater one.

These steps can be modelled with base ten blocks. The steps in a conventional algorithm mirror the actions completed using the blocks.
For example, to subtract 53 – 21:
Subtract 1 one from 3 ones and 2 tens from 5 tens.

Sometimes, though, there are not enough ones in the greater number to take from, so you regroup: trade 1 ten from the greater number for 10 ones.

For example, when you subtract 52 – 38, there are not enough ones in 52 to remove 8 of them.

Step 1:
Trade 1 ten for 10 ones. Rewrite 52 as 40 + 12 (4 tens and 12 ones).

Step 2:
Subtract 8 ones from 12 ones. There are 4 ones remaining.

Step 3:
Subtract 3 tens from the 4 tens that are left, leaving only 1 ten. The answer is 14.

Watch for times when you might want to subtract two-digit numbers, for example, when comparing scores at the end of a game or when estimating your savings on a discounted item. You might share how you do the subtraction so that your child can either watch you do it or help you do it.
Always remember, though, that any subtraction strategy that works is absolutely fine. What matters is whether the procedure makes sense to your child.

We no longer use the term “borrow.” One of the reasons is that too many students wanted to “give back” what they borrowed. This led to getting the wrong answer.
Instead we talk about regrouping 1 ten into 10 ones.
It is not necessary to use the term “algorithm” with your child; you could refer to the “standard strategy” if you want to name it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

February 25th, 2020 
Dress warm and enjoy the fresh air on your
walk to school! 

Find walk a friend together! and 
Walking is great for your body: 
-Limits sickness by halving your
chances of getting a cold.
-Boosts endorphins by easing stress , anger,
and tension.